Bedding History Video

Leggett’s bedding history video was conceived from an idea of how to make Leggett & Platt’s history fun and entertaining.
This video entailed months of planning and pre-production to ensure that all of the shooting went smoothly. Scripts and storyboards were drafted and revised. Locations were shored up. Talent secured. Then production began.
With multiple shoot days both on set and on location, there was plenty to do for the whole department. Many of the actors you see in the video are fellow Leggett partners.
The look and wardrobe of J.P. Leggett and C.B. Platt were crafted from archival photos of the pair, and the end results look remarkably similar! We were lucky enough to have a park built in the style of the 1800s at our disposal for one of the locations, and we used it to our full advantage.
The editing was done in sections, and the responsibly shared by our Imaging Solutions team. The end result is a product that not only showcases the proud history of L&P, but a video that the Marketing + Creative group is very proud to say they’ve produced.